Monday, December 23, 2019
Essay about Drinking Age Controversy - 1076 Words
Drinking Age Controversy In the United States, a citizen is considered an â€Å"adult†at the age of 18, and with that new title comes many responsibilities, such as the right to vote and to join the army. However, the legal drinking age in America is twenty-one. This issue has been a major controversy for some time now that faces both national and state governments. Should the drinking age be lowered to the age when legally a person becomes an adult and assumes all other adult responsibilities, or should it remain at a higher age to allow people to grow more mature and, hopefully, make more responsible decisions? In the mid 1600’s, colonial laws attempted to control alcohol consumption, but drinking per se was not remonstrated. Between†¦show more content†¦A â€Å"binge drinker†is defined as a person who has more than 5 drinks in one sitting, which is becoming a large issue at college campuses worldwide. Presidents from over 100 universities have voted to lower the drinking age in order to cut the amount of underage drinking on campuses. â€Å"Frequent users†will drink anywhere from three times a week to everyday. A â€Å"moderate user†is someone who drinks anywhere from once a week to once a month. The decision of whether or not to keep the drinking age at 21 or lower it to 18 is continually discussed between groups such as MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, who fight to keep the drinking age at 21 and LAFAA, Legalize Alcohol For All Adults, who fight to lower the drinking age. Karl Marx’s Conflict Theory is one way to explain the disagreements between those who want to lower the drinking age, and those who don’t. His theory states that social organization and change is based upon conflicts within the society. People between the ages of 18 and 21, called stakeholders, feel that they aren’t getting to exercise all of their rights to being an adult by government definition. They given all of the responsibilities and consequences of adults such as the right to vote, the ability to adopt, the right to join the military, the right to be charged with the highest punishment if accused of a crime, the right to get married, the right to buy and create pornography, etc.Show MoreRelatedControversy over the Drinking Age958 Words  | 4 Pageswhat age should be considered the proper age to drink alcohol has been intensely debated. Since the 1980s, the nationwide legal drinking age has been 21 and older for the United States. However, this age limit imposed on the consumption of alcohol was controversial then, and it continues to be so today. In 2008, John McCardell, leader of Choose Responsibility and former president of Middlebury College, joined a campaign known as the Amethyst Initiative, which proposed lowering the drinking age toRead MoreLowering The Legal Drinking Age857 Words  | 4 PagesAs we know, the United States has the highest drinking age in the world. By 1988 the entire U.S had adopted the Federal Uniform Drinking Age Act, which set the drinking age to twenty-one. However, in 1920 the United States banned the sale, production, importation, and transportation of alcohol. This era known as the Prohibition sparked the popularity of hidden underground bars and events. The Prohibition Era is a prime example of how people did anything to intake alcohol and eventually this ledRead MoreLegal Drinking Age : Should It Be Altered?1408 Words  | 6 Pages Legal Drinking Age: Should It Be Altered? The legal drinking age has been an ongoing controversy for decades, consisting of people who are for lowering, raising, or keeping the age with multiple reasons behind each side. It is commonly known that consuming alcohol can have life-threatening effects on the human body, but these effects can be much harsher at a younger age. Reducing the age for eighteen year olds may result in senseless acts from the drug. Statistics prove that maintainingRead MoreThe Legal Drinking Age Should Be Lowered955 Words  | 4 PagesIn the United States of America, the National Government requires the states to enforce a legal drinking age of twenty-one. Where as the world average drinking age is eighteen, and in some Countries it is even lower where it is possible to get a beer at sixteen years of age. Taking that into consideration, there is a great deal of controversy in the United States on what the legal age should be to purchase and consume an alcoholic beverage. The largest issue being that you are considered to be anRead MoreThe Minimum Drinking Age Act1692 Words  | 7 PagesMinimum Drinking Age Act. This act stated that all states must raise their minimum drinking age to 21. Individuals under the age of 21 would now be prohibited from purchasing or being in public possession of any alcoholic beverage. Though not every state was keen on this idea, they all jumped to raise the minimum drinking age due to the government threat that they would lose up to 10% of their federal highway funding if they ignored the request. However, since the National Minimum Drinking Age Act wasRead MoreThe Problems Associated with Underage Drinking Essay1137 Words  | 5 Pagesability to seen more grown up can intensify drinking at a younger age. Consequently, as alcohol is seen as the â€Å"Forbidden Fruit,†it encourages the want to drink for people under the age of twenty-one. The use of alcohol by adolescents is widely viewed as disobedience in American society. Although, alcohol use is technically illegal until the age of twenty-one (in 19 states the consumption of alcohol in not specifically illegal for people under the age of twenty-one), there is still an excessiveRead MoreMinimum Legal Drinking Age Should Remain at the Age of 21 Essay1310 Words  | 6 PagesWithout a doubt, the United States has been facing serious national problems with underage drinking. Depending on personal ideologies, some people might not agree that the current minimum drinking age of twenty-one is based on scientific facts rather then ideology of prohibitionism. For example, since 1975 over seventeen thousand lives have been saved since the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) was changed to age twenty-one (Balkin 167). This shows that even over a short amount of time, a higher MLDARead MoreAlcohol Consumption And Underage Drinking1561 Words  | 7 Pagesconsumption and underage drinking has been a major social problem and public health concern for centuries. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), â€Å"Alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug among youth in the United States, more than tobacco and illicit drugs, and is responsible for more than 4,300 annual deaths among underage youth (Fact Sheets - Underage Drinking). Alcohol has always been part of our culture as well as a debatable topic in our society and the controversy over alcohol consumptionRead MoreEssay about Underage Drinking In America:1549 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States. But I am not the only one who drinks while under the legal age limit; there is an estimated 63% of underage college students that get drunk on a minimum basis of one night a week (Foster, 1996). In Mexico I can be drunk any night of the week because of the 18 year old age limit on alcohol; so if I were in Mexico right now drinking, I would be drinking legally. Europe as well has very low or no drinking age laws at all. In Germany all you have to do is reach up to the counter and orderRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Drinking Alcohol1709 Words  | 7 Pagesthe consumption of alcohol but it can be said that drinking alcohol has both positive and negative effects. Controversy may arise between opposing sides that those below the age of twenty-one are not responsible enough to drink however are allowed a driving license or a driver’s permit. In the United States of America, society and lawmakers focus more on the negative impacts of alcohol consumption especially when it comes to who we allow drinking, and do not consider that teenagers are able to think
Sunday, December 15, 2019
B2B †Product Marketing Plan.rev1 Free Essays
The vison of the wool manufacturing sector of Australia is to expand its export sales to emerging markets in the ASEAN region. Emerging markets are those of the developing countries with high demand on basic raw materials for clothing manufacturing and other industries related to uses of fiber, plus the corollary products from the same category of industry. Emerging markets maybe from developing countries, rather than highly developed ones. We will write a custom essay sample on B2B – Product Marketing Plan.rev1 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The mission would be to penetrate these emerging markets, create a foothold with the right liaison procedures and obtain long term contracts for wool, wool products and its ancillaries. The main objective is to increase the export revenues of the wool manufacturing sector, thereby contributing to the GNP and GDP of Australia to improve per capita income and to generate more employment. The specific objectives are: a. To find out the trade channels of emerging markets in the ASEAN Region and penetrate these markets. b. To develop the right strategy how to penetrate these emerging markets and establish long-term trading activities with the same. c. To research more uses of the wool fiber as raw material, whether in bulk raw wool or thread wool or fabric wool. d. To involve foreign investors as allies in the development of wool fiber for new uses of wool and its corollary products mentioned herein. e. To secure a captured market in exchange for foreign investments. 1. 1 Sales Objectives The general sales objective is to establish a continuing and growing demand for export sales of wool, wollen products, probably new developed products out of wool, and corollary wool products, e. g. sheep meat or lambchops and sheep leather. The increase in sales may not actually mean increase in profitablity in the short term. It is the long term objective that is the main focus in order for sales projections to be drawn with ease and followed. Long term projections can only be done if investment-marketing contracts can also be drawn with the probable buyer of the manufactured products. It would be an investment laden project, such that the need for investment can be specifically pinpointed in terms of machinery, labor, working capital and project costs or, in order to find out the specific uses of the capital investment. From there, the Return on Investment (ROI) or the Return to Equity (ROE) can be calculated and deemed to be viable or feasible to Autralian preferences. Thus, the sales objective considers the long term viability of the project and determines what level of equity the Australians should allow any foreign investor to come in and intervene in the wool industry. 1. 2 Product Positioning There is no substitute for a high quality, optimum priced product and consistent supply and these factors must be the position of the products. In order to elaborate further the market position, it is best to enumerate the products that may come from the wool industry, expound the charecteristics of the products and analyze where it uses would be. Thereon, there could be research and development (RD) to improve the product so that there is value added when it is sold. a. Bulk Raw Wool Fibers Bulk raw wool fibers maybe classified. The usual process starts with sheering, washing, bleaching, drying and bailing. Then there can be classifying, perhaps, into which batch comes from a more mature or younger herd of sheeps or known sheep varieties. Another way, which would need RD, is to find out how to separate the long fibers from the short fibers. Then the method of classification can be into long and short fibers. Machineries can be designed to seggregate which fibers are long or short. Both kind of fibers can be wooven into fabric with different characterics and long fibers can be an additive in matress production for car seats. In Europe car seats have organic fibers as substitute for foam cushions, and is already a regulation. Foam cushions produce toxic fumes when it burns in case of accidents. b. Wool Thread If and when wool can be seggregated into long and short fibers, there can also be two kinds of threads produced. Short fibers will produce thread with short elasticity because the spinning process produces a more fine textured thread. Long fibers will produce thread that is more elastic, which is wool’s characteristic and has been accepted by users of this thread. Fine thread from wool can become a new product which can be compared to cotton thread. c. Wool Fabric When wooven into cloth, long fibers make the cloth stretchable. The stretchable fabric is usually used for insulation such as sweaters and blankets, the main finished products of wool. Although standard woolen fabric is good insulation, it has a charcteristic very distinct from cotton cloth. The wool fibers are a bit abbrasive and may induce allergy or itchiness to human skin and is generally heavier than cotton fabric. Should there be fine thread from short fibers wooven into wool fabric, then the outcome would be fine and lighter cloth, which can become a versatile material in sewing clothes. Definitely, this range of product development needs RD. d. Sheep Leather Sheep skin can be processed into leather to manufacture rubber shoes. China and Korea are becoming top producers of rubber shoes. Those countries could be the target market of sheep leather if it were tanned in Autralia. Thus, tanning sheep leather can become a side manufacturing concern of the wool industry. Cow and kangaroo leather from Australia is already known in the world market. It would not hurt if the sheep leather market can be developed. Rather than disposing sheep skin as fertilizer, it may be manufactured into leather. e. Sheep Meat or Lamb Chops It is only logical that there is consistency in the supply of raw materials for wool. Thus, backward integration to produce wool becomes an inevitable factor when there are plans to expand the wool market. Therefore, sheep production, which Australia is also known for, becomes an integrated portion of the wool export industry. Sheep are proliferous and multiply like goats and there will be surplus of sheep in terms of number of heads if the wool industry were to expand. Lamb meat can become one of the ancillary products of the wool industry and capacity of processing plants for fresh or even canned sheep meat must be ready when the market is developed. 1. 3 Product Objectives It is best to enumerate again what are the probable export products derived from the wool industry: short fiber raw wool, long fiber raw wool, fine wool thread, ordinary wool thread, lamb chops/sheepmeat, and sheep leather. The overall product objective is to enhance the development of products manufactured from the wool sector. This sector starts from the livestock production of sheep, an integral part of agriculture. Wool must not be the only product that can derived from this industry. In terms of short and long fibers that need RD, new machineries may have to be brought in. This could be done by asking foreign investors to conduct the research, design and fabricate the machinery themselves. The machines needed would pertain to milling machines, weaving, and knitting machines. If China were the choice of partnership, it has already developed its machineries for weaving and knitting. It may be the milling machine that should be designed in order to segregate the short and long fibers before milling into threads. The threads may be further processed so that the texture could be close to or the same as silk, a well known Chinese fabric. In any case, innovation should come in so that the end products becomes a new one and will probably have its place in the fashion world, which is very big business. Should this happen, there will be curiousity from European buyers, thereby creating a damand, as the capital of fashion is in Paris, France. This would expand the manufacturing sector thereby generating more employment for the locales. In terms of sheep meat, blast freezing and cold storage facilities upgrade may be needed for the expansion of the industry. Foreign investors may also be invited. The same protocol may be applied to sheep leather manufacturing. The machineries acquisition can be negotiated such that it may come in the form of a loan, whereby, part of the payments would be in the form of manufactured products the machineries would churn out. In general, the direction of this concern is towards expanding the manufacturing sector in processing, increase employment, generate export revenues and foreign investments. 1. 4 Pricing Objectives General market re-entry, just like pricing, is an art. The general pricing objective is to retain optimum profits that would benefit the industry in the long term. The volume of business may compensate the optimum profit margins when the demand for the manufactured products increase. The pricing should be generally lower than competition. This would attract foreign manufacturers to buy the wool and woolen products. When it comes to leather, the pricing should be comparable to hog leather (e.. g. Hush Puppies use hog leather). Only when if it becomes a fad and is highly sought for, should sheep leather prices be increased to a maximum level. Shoes are a basic necessity too. Leather bags and luggage may not be a necessity and fashion trends may dictate the demand for these leather products. When it comes to sheep meat, prices should go lower than that of pork or chicken prices as cheap food is a sign of progress. Generally, product innovation should be one of the largest factors in product objectives. It is a fact that wool has been a fabric since the medieval ages and is outdated. Sheep meat has been a staple food to some countries but has not been promoted as a low cholesterol meat. Sheep skin could have been used only as insulation or rough clothing during the medieval ages also, and not as leather for shoes and bags. Innovation is altering the product so that when it is used or consumed, it is new and attractive. Thereon, consistency in supply and quality again should be sustained. Lastly, when innovation is implemeted, the product or products has to pass the taste and preferences of the target market. Test marketing can be done through the trade envoys in the various embassies. That wold be part of promotion and advertising already. 1. 5 Retail Objectives As previously mentioned, one of the objectives is to sell the products to wholesalers and not go into direct retailing. The fibers of bulk wool, and wool thread may be sold to textile mills suppliers. The woven fabric may be sold to textile wholesalers whose down the line customers are tailors, haberdashers and manufacturers of apparel. The leather can be sold to large leather wholesalers. Lastly, the meat can be sold to a main office of a chain of grocery stores. 2. 0 SWOT Analysis of the Products a. Short and Long Wool Fibers in Bulk, Fine and Ordinary Wool Thread, and Fine and Ordinary Wool Textile Wool fibers and products are unique in a sense that it provides better protection against cold weather. It is organic in nature and does not come from synthetic resins. It has been known to be the source of textile since production in Europe started. Clothing sewn from wool generally cater to residents of temperate and artic countries. Australia, because of its vast grazing lands can produce sheep in voluminous quantities assuring the consistency of supply. These are the strengths of these products. The weaknesses of wool products is that Australia’s geographic position is far from temperate and artic zones that are most populated, no market. On the side of the globe where Australia is located, the most developed market is Japan. Europian markets are not that accessible due to the distance which would increase freight costs. Another weakness is the acceptability of wool sewn clothing. Though fabric from wool make good blankets, its acceptability seem to be outdated because of the emergence of felt and other cotton like materials that are also thick and provides good insulation from the cold. Blankets and sweaters are the most sewn apparel from wool, with the introduction of thicker textile substitutes, the demand for wool decreased. Another weakness is in terms of the acceptability of the fabric when in contact with human skin which may induce allergies. Lastly, the fabric produced is heavier in terms of weight, than other fabrics. Opportunities lie in the current and biggest emerging market, China. China is about 2 billion in population. China is an aggressive market because it has positioned itself in the ASEAN Region with trading agents and its strategy has become an open trade policy if proper liaison can be done. With very cheap machineries fabricated from the mainland, it may be possible to negotiate the RD portion for the bulk wool fiber. The biggest threat comes from its largest competitor, cotton. Cotton is light and is very variable in terms of sewing clothing. Countries producing cotton are located near the tropical zone and are positioned nearer the emerging markets than Australia, meaning the freight costs are cheaper. b. Sheep Leather The strength of this product also lie in Australia’s capacity to produce it in bulk and it may come out cheaper than cow leather. The opportunity lie in the huge market in China and Korea for leather and it may mean the introduction of the product at the right quality, quantity and price to garner this market. As earlier mentioned, China and Korea have been manufacturing rubber shoes. The threat is again is in its competitor, cow leather, and Australia’s own leather production may be the same culprit. Balancing the export of the leather products, whether it comes from cow, kangaroos or sheep might be hard to implement if there is over production. c. Sheep Meat/Lambchops The strength of this product lie in the consistency of production. With the vast grazing lands in Australia and its agriculture technology, sheep production has become comparable with cow production. Australia has gone into export of lamb meat during the mid 90’s, but has not fully developed the market potential. Australia is also known for its beef supply, though sheep meat has already been marketed (e. g. Philippines), the market forces somewhat gave the impression that supply is inconsistent. The weakness of this product is its acceptability because of its semi-pungent odor and knowledge has to be transferred to those who would cook it. Sheep meat, the same with goat meet, has to be processed or seared with heat first before it is cooked and the process is just simple frying of the exposed surfaces. There is a very large market opportunity for this due to two (2) given and existing circumstances: (1) there is growing consciousness about the carrying capacity of bad cholesterol of pork, chicken and beef, and (2) Muslims do not eat beef and they tend to shy away from pork as customary practice, instead, goat’s or sheep’s meat is preferred. The Muslim people and Chinese (because of the large population) in the ASEAN would also be in need of food. The opportunity to develop the demand for lambchops or sheep meat exists. This is a very large opportunity because there are large Muslim populations also in the same region. Mindanao in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore have a significant number of Muslims in their populace. Sheep meat has threats from cheap pork and chicken meat (beef prices are very high). Producers of pork and chicken in the ASEAN have been in the doldrums too because of the high cost of feed ingredients but once in a while there is glut in these particular markets when the U. S. and Canada dumps its excess production into the ASEAN region. The nations where excess are dumped generally protect their producers by imposing high tariffs for these products and this may also pose a threat if sheep meat becomes a lot cheaper than prices of pork or chicken. 3. 0 Strategies The brand positioning of wool, woolen products, sheep meat and leather may take the low key, low profile stance at first. Raw material from Australia, final product made in China or Korea. Australians may, might as well take advantage of the cheap labor from these manufacturing countries, and should allow the same to manufacture the end or final products such as shoes and apparel. When it comes to sheep meat, it could carry an Australian brand since there is no other large sheep production in the region. The market entry or re-entry strategy can be to invite Chinese investors to conduct the RD portion for the short and long fiber segregation. Let them develop and fabricate the machinery then buy the machinery from them with the intent to supply the manufactured fibers to them also. With fiber segregation, comes thread production, then textile milling or fabric production. The Chinese have already machinery for these and it could be included in the package. It may revolutionize Australia’s textile industry. The practice of machinery acquisition in exchange of manufactured end product or raw materials have already been done by the Chinese in Thailand and the Philippines. To exemplify, vapor heat treatment plants for mangoes were put up in Thailand in corroboration with a private company and the Thailand government, provided the Chinese will buy the entire mango produced. In the Philippines, decorticating machines for coconut fibers were loaned to a government agency in charge of the coconut industry, provided all the fibers (whether short or long fibers) were bought back. Thus market entry or re-entry is possible with the Chinese, to supply the RD, needed machinery, and provided all the produce would be bought back. The general strategy for market expansion is to let foreign investors come in and put up their own plants to manufacture the mentioned products herein, provided they market the products themselves. Sales strategy advertising is easy with the global upgrade in information technology. But, for the general public to be aware of emerging new policies of trading in Australia could require direct advertising in television and newspapers. This could be done through the trade consuls of the embassies of Australia in the countries within the ASEAN Region. The strategy for product positioning can be generalized to be generic sold products at first, and then acquire a brand name later on. This could probably mean that the goods are traded are in bulk status. 3. 1 Sales Strategies For market segmentation, the particulars could be Japan, China, and Muslims from the ASEAN Region. It would be better to cut off the supply with Japan first, let China enter. Market forces should be monitored for control and market research. China has several retail outlets in key cities in Japan (Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagasaki, etc.. ). For Muslims, which would pertain to sheep meat marketing, trade consuls can offer counter trade measures to promote the product. Counter trade means there is no change hands of currency but plain barter. This is usually done on a government to government (G-to-G) basis. Stratety in distribution would be in terms of volume. The best would be to allow China to buy all, as this has been their practice with other countries. Slowly remove the Japanese market and let the Chinese do the trading and networking, make the Chinese Australia’s allies in trading. Definitely there will be some unpleasant reactions with the U. S. and the U. K. with these move, thus the Australian government should be ready for this. 3. 2 Product Strategies The product strategies can come in terms of service and support. When the Chinese have decided to enter into Australian territories, they might as well have some incentives like free trade zones, less tariffs for machineries, dedicated warehouses and maritime discounts in berthing their ships. This can justify adjusted lower FOB pricing rates and the high costs of freight.. 3. 3 Pricing Strategies Now that the general strategy is to tap China as an emerging market, at first FOB prices of the manufactured goods must be 5 to 10 per cent lower compared to its competitors. This should be done provided a yearly marketing contract can be inked with the Chinese. Chinese traders practice forard buying; which means that they might opt to buy the whole production for one year of a manufacturing plant, securing a low price and selling the manufactured goods when prices of the goods go up. This semi-monopolistic in nature but works very well if a company is into trading and has very huge capital base. Forward buying is very capital intensive. 3. 4 Retail Strategies The trends for market position of wool and its corollary products should start from the very basic step of the product chain that it can access abroad, the wholesalers. China is a wholesaler and bulk trader. The manufacturing sector of wool and other products must at first, take a stand that their final export product must give a privilege for better profit for the wholesalers as their allies. In the short run, this may mean that in order for the products to penetrate the retail market, other people outside the wholesalers network must be deplored and employed by the wholesalers themselves. It also may mean that the wholesalers that are buying the final export products could independently establish their own retail chains. Thus, the first position of the wool and other corollary wool products should be that of the wholesalers dominion. The next, and without violation of the terms and conditions with the current wholesalers, would be the retailing sector. 5. 0 Budget The product marketing plan must come in phases; therefore, it would be hard to arrive at a fix budget for the total project cost of implementing the plan. Only in the first phase can a budget be appropriated for approval. The first phase would be to approve the concept and policies in the magistrates of the Australian government and conduct advertising and marketing campaigns for the re-aligned trade and marketing policies through the embassies. TV and newspaper promotions would be the bulk of the cost of the campaign. Let us estimate the allocation at A$ 200,000. 00 per country, targeting seven (7) countries; total estimated budget is A$ 1. 4MM. This can suffice buying airtime and newspaper publishing for one year. Additional single-liaison staff maybe hired in the embassies but the representation allowance should be flexible, as Chinese representatives are hungry for wine and dine related negotiations. 5. 0 Future Trends and Issues of Marketing Concern The future trends in the global market: more use of organic fibers and leather rather than synthetic substitutes because of the characteristic that synthetics churn toxic fumes when it burns. In the last few decades when there was little awareness on accidents concerning toxic fumes, the trend was to use non-organic fibers. But when research resulted to synthetic fibers as the source of toxicity, the manufacturing sector using synthetics has slowly reverted to organic sources. This is the same trend with foods and sheep meat as health food will become a fad. The future issues that may arise are that of capital flight to Australia from China, exchange rate fluctuations, currency retention in the partner countries. This can be addressed by lowering or totally eliminating the trade deficits between partner countries. Whereas, Australia may buy Chinese machinery and equipment in return for a captured export market, at both profitable levels of operation, ROI’s and ROE’s can be internally kept a secret within and between both trading partners. 6. 0 Conclusion The product marketing plan designed herein to increase the export revenues of the wool manufacturing sector in Australia is to garner a corresponding increase in the gross trade revenues of the country as a whole. It must consider the balance of trade with the ally it will do the trading with. In terms of foreign investments, the trading partner, in this particular case it is China, Australia must be very cautious in the pricing of the machineries and the technology that China will bring in. Machineries and technology prices are hard to determine especially if the entity who would buy such were not involved in the actual design of the latter. Australia could only specify the technical data and the percieved or target outputs of the machineries. At any rate, technology is a fast maturing factor. New technologies emerge as the old ones are still being used. It may be that the cost at the start would be very high, but as the machineries depreciate, the technology depreciates and so with the cost. Further, the after sales service agreement with the Chinese for the machineries could be designed in a such a way that the acquisition of spare parts and other necessary materials to run the machineries can be less costly. These would all depend on the transparency of the trading partner. The logic behind it is that both partners should make enough profits from a sustainable industry and the profits should be declared as transparent as possible. This is the very reason why the long-term goals are the focus of the product marketing plan. The rest of the strategies can be adjusted along the way if the plan implementation should follow another path and not as intended. 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Saturday, December 7, 2019
Auditing and Professional Practice Operational Policies
Question: Discuss about the Auditing and Professional Practice Operational Policies. Answer: Introduction: The cash flow position of the firm states the exact inflow as well as the outflow of cash from the firm. Pitt (2014) mentioned that the development of the cash flow analysis shall provide the management of the organization to determine the financial position of the business enterprise. As such, it shall be necessary for the business entity to develop the operational policies as well as the financial policies of the business entity after the acquisition. Porter et al. (2014) mentioned that the cash flow position is an important part of the financial statements of the business enterprise. As such, Chandler and Edwards (2014) noted that it is necessary to gather data from the financial statements of the business enterprise during the acquisition process of Steel to assist the business enterprise in achieving financial sustainability. The following are the threats that can affect the financial position of the business enterprise. Embezzlement of funds- Events (2014) mentioned that discrepancies in the preparation of the financial statements can lead to the embezzlement of funds for the business organization. In this regard, it can be said that the cash flow statement shall enable the business entity to acquire the details regarding the cash flow as well as the cash outflow of the firm. Disregarding the cash flow statement during the acquisition process can lead to dishonesty, biasness and lack of authenticity regarding the preparation of the financial statements of the organization. This can lead to the embezzlement of funds in the organization and shall have an impact on the operational policies of the organization. Reporting to the stakeholder and financial decision-making - The stakeholders of the organization shall have be adversely affected if the cash flow of is not considered in developing the financial statements of the organization. Kidron et al. (2016) mentioned that the investments decisions in the organization would not be possible if the financial statements in the organization are not prepared authentically and do not reflect the full financial condition of the business entity The financial decision making process shall also be influenced if an authentic structure is not followed in the organization. The reporting of the stakeholders in the organization Inaccuracies in the preparation of the financial statements - Siebert and Costley (2013) mentioned that In the acquisition of Steel Pty Ltd the cash flow statement of the organization in the year ended financial reports shall play an important role in determining the amount of cash flow of the organization. As such, this shall lead the business entity in developing ineffective financial statements that do not represent the true and fair condition of the business entity. The fundamental principles at the risk It can be noted that the professional accountants shall have to adhere in their daily practice shall include the following. Integrity - Rupys and StaÄ iokas (2015) mentioned that the professional accountant shall have to be straightforward as well as honest in developing professional as well as personal business relationships. As such, it is necessary to determine the operational policies of the business enterprise Objectivity- The objectivity refers to preventing bias, conflict of interest are the factors that can have an impact on the professional work as well as business judgement in practice, techniques as well as the legislations Professional competence- To develop the professional knowledge as well as professional skill shall help the business enterprise to adhere to the financial statements of the business enterprise. Confidentiality The aspect of confidentiality refers to prevent disclosing of confidential financial information relating to various companies. Chandler and Edwards (2014) mentioned that such information can only be disclosed if there is a legal duty on the part of the accountants, or in the case of a discrepancy. Professional behavior - The professional behavior shall relate to the compliance with the relevant accounting laws and regulations to prevent any disregarding to the profession. Unprofessional behavior can lead to distrust and lack of faith among the accounting professionals. Kumar and Sharma (2015) mentioned that professional behavior is one of the core components of the accounting profession, which shall assist the professional to prepare the authentic reports that adheres to the required framework and the guidelines that would be necessary to the investors to make authentic financial decisions. As per the American accounting, decision model there is a seven-step process to the decision making, which considers the ethical issues in into account. Lenz and Sarens (2012) stated that The American accounting model should enable the business entity to determine the accounting procedures in the business organization. This is especially helpful in solving ethical dilemmas in the market place. The management of the business organization shall have to play the guiding role in developing coordinations among the various departments in the organization. As such, this shall assist the business enterprise in handling business crisis. This shall help the business entity in the decision-making procedures in the organization that shall help the organization in its growth. From the case study, it has been inferred that the client has misled the manager and gave a negative perception about Zane inspite of its benefit efforts. Thus, the American accounting decision making process the following s teps can be taken to serve the purpose of the organization. Facts of the case The facts of the case would have to be stated in an appropriate manner to assist the business enterprise in developing the goals and the objectives of the business enterprise. Enqvist et al. (2014) stated that the facts of the case here relates to the discontinuation of service in the context of the operational procedures in the organization. As such, the facts of the case shall refer to the intrinsic details of client audit service, thereby, leading the organization to growth. Presence of any ethical issues- The ethical issues in the organization shall be dealt in an appropriate manner to prevent any undue advantage to any party in the organization. In the case of Zane, it can be stated that he was unduly removed from his job in the organization. As such, there should be a proper assessment of the situation, which led to the removal of Zane from the organization. It is the primarily the responsibility of the situation of the auditing manager of the organization to take the necessary steps that this does not recurr again. Grazlano et al. (2012) stated that it can be stated that there is a personality conflict between the members of the organization. Thus, the presence of ethical issues in the organization shall assist the business entity to develop the goals and the objectives of the business enterprise. Norms and values related to the case- The norms and the values in the case shall have to be adhered to the rules and the accounting procedures in the organization. According to 12.Michalski (2012), the norms and the values in this case shall have to conform to the accounting framework in the organization. As such, this shall enable the business entity to facilitate organizational growth Alternative courses of action - There must be alternative courses of action shall assist the growth and the development of the organization. According to Hui et al. (2014), the alternative courses of action shall aid in the development and overcome the pertinent threats that are present in the organization. As such, the daily business functionalities of the organization shall have to be re-innovated and alternative courses of action shall be developed so that there is a level of continuity in the daily business functionalities of the organization. Messier Jr (2016) stated that the management of the organization has to ensure that the business entity ensures authenticity as well as transparency in the accountant statements prepared in the business entity. It can be stated that Luke has continued the work of Zane in the auditing assignment. As such, the work of Zane in the assignment has to be critically analyzed to address the issues of the client. Choosing the best course of action Hayes et al. (2014) stated that the best course of action has to be selected to address the issues of the client. In the case study, it is stated that Zane have provided an excellent audit work to the client. However, the client rejected the work due to personality issues that has been affecting the business entity. As such, this is necessary for the business enterprise to aid organizational growth and Impact of each action The impact of each action on the organization shall have to be evaluated in the context of the operational policies of the business. Such, interpersonal conflicts with the client shall have to be avoided at any cost. Therefore, the big 4 accounting firm in the organization shall have to be provide behavioral skills to the employees of the organization to enable the business entity to facilitate organization growth. According to Furnham and Gunter (2015), each action must be chosen accordingly to help in the growth and the sustainability of the business entity. In the current scenario, Luke shall have to inform the audit manager about the performance of Zane as well as the interpersonal conflict with the manager of the organization. In this regard, it can be said that the manager of the organization shall have to be informed of the existing scenario to ensure that Zane is not unduly transferred from its job. Simunic (2014) stated that the Mary-Guy decision-making model is less practical and is more subjective than the American Accounting decision-making model. As such, in using the Mary-Guy decision model the accounting firm shall get a broader perspective of the accounting statement implemented in the business organization. Arens et al (2012) mentioned that through the usage of the Mary Guy decision-making model Luke would take the following steps in ensuring smoother business operations. To reduce conflicts with clients shall be the primary objective of the Mary - Guy decision making model. In contrast to the American Accounting Decision model, Luke would take pro-active measures to alter the current philosophies and accounting practices in the organization. As such, the human resource department in consultation with the top management in the organization shall assist the business entity to rectify the existing policies of the organization. Abernathy et al. (2015) mentioned that the Mary Guy decision-making model shall consists of the following essential elements of the business entity. - Caring, honesty, accountability, promise keeping as well as the pursuit of excellence in the organization. Besides this, loyalty and integrity are an essential part of the Mary Guy decision-making model. This would assist the business organization in allocating work according to the expertise and the requirements of the business organization. This shall lead to an undue situation for any of the personels affecting the sustainability of the business entity. In this regard, it can be said that this would have a negative impact on the morale of the employees. Besides this Messier Jr (2016) noted that the Mary-Guy model shall have an in- depth analysis of the existing financial as well as non-financial constituents of the business entity. Therefore, Luke would have to be responding appropriately to assist the business entity in developing better auditing services to the clients. Pitt (2014) stated that the accounts payable reflects the ability of the organization to pay-off the short-term loans of the organization. In the balance sheet of the organization the accounts payable appears under the current liabilities of the organization. The accounts payable statements shall enable the business enterprise in making authentic payments to the suppliers as well as the creditors. The following are the two assertions to risk in the development of the accounts payable statements in a business enterprise. Lenz and Sarens (2012) mentioned that the failure to develop the accounts payable can have an adverse impact on the business functionalities of the company relating to the execution of the orders on a timely basis as well as developing payment terms with the suppliers. This shall be due to the improper preparation of the accounts management of the organization, which shall lead the organization to growth and prosperity. Kumar and Sharma (2015) mentioned that the increase in the production cost of the company should also be one of the risks if the operational costs of the company is not managed in an appropriate manner. The improper development of the accounts payable statements shall have an impact on the assessment procedure of the existing financial position of the business enterprise. As such, the daily business functionalities of the business enterprise shall be affected if the accounts payable statement is not prepared and does not reflect the operational expenditures of the business enterprise. Siebert and Costley (2013) mentioned that the development of the effective financial policies shall not be possible if the existing production and the operational expenses of the business enterprise are not assessed . As such, this shall have an adverse impact on the business sustainability of the business enterprise. Thus , emphasis shall be provided in the maintenance of the account payable statements in the business entity . The increase in the production costs is one of the secondary risks in the preparation of the financial statements. Thus, in this regard, the failure in the development of the account payable statements in the business shall result in error-prone manual processes in product requisitions, supplier invoices as well as discrepancies in the issue of payments. Substantive testing of the audit procedure shall assist the business entity in evaluating the financial statements as well as the supporting documentation of the company. Enqvist et al. (2014) mentioned that substantive testing of the audit procedures should assist the business enterprise in facilitating authenticity as well as transparency to the auditing procedures in the organization. As such, this shall assist the business entity in strengthening the financial position of the organization. The substantive audit testing procedures shall provide the opportunity to the company to test the audit testing procedure. Evaluating the period end count of the inventory shall state the accounts payable statement of the business entity. As such, this shall give an indication of the sales revenue and the effectively of the production and the distribution process followed in the organization. In the case of assertion b, a bank confirmation can be conducted to ascertain the year ended cash balances of the organization. This shall assist the business organization to develop the operational policies of the business enterprise. Siebert and Costley (2013) mentioned that this bank statement should help the management of the business enterprise to identify the discrepancies in the production processes of the organization. In this regard, it can be said that the bank statement shall provide the details about the existing sales revenue of the organization and the efficacy of the daily business functionalities of the organization. Enqvist et al. (2014) mentioned that the cash balance should show the detailed expenditures and the revenues earned in a particular year. As such, this shall help the business enterprise in determining the operational processes of the organization. Therefore, the substantive test of detail shall assist the business entity in developing the accounts payable statements of the business enterprise. References Chandler, R.A. and Edwards, J.R., 2014. Recurring Issues in Auditing (RLE Accounting): Professional Debate 1875-1900. Routledge. Enqvist, J., Graham, M. and Nikkinen, J., 2014. The impact of working capital management on firm profitability in different business cycles: Evidence from Finland. Research in International Business and Finance, 32, pp.36-49. Evetts, J., 2014. The concept of professionalism: Professional work, professional practice and learning. In International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning (pp. 29-56). Springer Netherlands. Grazlano, R.J. and Litman, J., Credit Suisse Securities (Usa) Llc, 2012. 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