Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Waleed Allohaibi Essays - Protestantism, Christianity,
Waleed Allohaibi German Church of Missouri 10 May 2017 German Church in Missouri As indicated by numerous individuals church is basically a structure reserved for the love of Allah. Scriptural comprehension of chapel is vastly different. It's gotten from the Greek work ekklesia that implies get together or assortment of various things. We can't state here we get together for venerate just it expands collaboration among the network and advance the government assistance. At the point when we investigate inside and out we locate the profound significance of chapel is individuals not the structure. As indicated by various devotees it is their home not a basic structure about the love of God. The quantity of occupants in Germany in 1933 was around 60 million. All Germans were Christian, having a spot either with the Roman Catholic (ca. 20 million people) or the Protestant (ca. 40 million people) spots of love. The Jewish social order in Germany in 1933 was under 1% of the total people of the country. Subsequently they all go in various holy places and there are a wide range of accepts about each. History of each congregation is wrapped by many fascinating occasion. In the region of 1830 and 1845, around 40,000 people left Germany consistently for America where they joined the westward turn of events. In 1840 the participation of priests and people was sifted through. In 1849, the chief church, St. Paul's in St. Louis, joined the serene social occasion, the Kirchenverein . In 1847, the Kirchenverein conveyed its own Evangelical Catechism, condensed in 1862 by Andreas. The objective was not to drive Christian still, little voice at reasons for distinction, anyway to offer pictures to the outflow of God, behind which was reality of God's recovering affection through Jesus Christ. By 1857, an Agenda (Worship Order) was grasped and in 1862, an Evangelical Hymnal. Among the German specialists there were free-theory realists, who put their desire in science, preparing, and culture. A heavy bit of them Deists, they clung to their freedom from the gathering and, feeling illuminated, rather joined inns, clubs, and singing social requests. Many were scornful of clergymen and places of love, contributing superfluously to hardship on the wild. They were unaffected by the rare evangelist who went to their edges gatherings. In any case, when their own specific adolescents indicated absence of instruction and irreligion, many were sufficiently bothered to loosen up sincerity to an especially arranged priest of certified certainty, who every now and again expected to serve a couple of gatherings immediately. Thusly German individuals began their love in their blessed places of worship shaped in different states that incorporate Missouri, California and numerous others. They began to pick up instruction of their religion and began to lecture about their strict puts stock in all over the world. Asia and Africa was their principle target. The Lutheran Church that is otherwise called Missouri Synod was in German make up not long before the World War I. This assembly was expanded and increases a great many adherents in late nineteenth century and in beginning of twenty century. There are 2.4 million adherents of this congregation. This isn't just church however a center point of learning as it claims around ten colleges and universities. LCMS stresses incredibly on the teachings of Bible. Its astonishing truth is that it works more than one hundred schools and has the biggest school chains in US and Canada. LCMS is attempting to spread the affection for Christ in all over the world that is evolving consistently. As per the administrator of LCMS in Missouri their fundamental strategic to spread the adoration for Christ in houses of worship, instructive organizations and in the whole way across the globe.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cultural Ethnography, Scheins Model Essay Example for Free
Social Ethnography, Scheins Model Essay Presentation: Cingular Wireless is the biggest remote organization in the United States. The organization flaunts the biggest voice and information arrange and more than 58 million clients. In 2004, Cingular created over $32 billion in income. Cingular is possessed by ATT Inc. furthermore, Bell South. Cingularâ€ÿs vision is, â€Å"To be the most profoundly respected remote organization on the planet, with a driving concentration around top tier deals and service†(Cingular, 2006, p.1). The partnership esteems clients, respectability, execution, cooperation, and its workers The objective of this investigation was to uncover the hierarchical culture of Cingular Wireless at a retail deals area. To help decide the way of life, this investigation concentrated on what is the idea of work for Cingular Wireless deals advisors, and how do representatives recognize themselves inside the enterprise as indicated by Edgar Scheinâ€ÿs models of authoritative culture. To direct this investigation, a few parts of work at Cingular were contemplated including worker day by day schedules, adaptability, desires, and the connections between chiefs, salesmen, and clients. To break down Cingular, this examination will use Edgar Scheinâ€ÿs model of authoritative societies. â€Å"Edgar Schein is an administration researcher and specialist keen on the job of pioneers in the turn of events and upkeep of authoritative culture†(Miller, 2006, p. 105). Schein (1992) accepts that culture can be concentrated in levels, which are the degrees to which the way of life is obvious to eyewitnesses. His three levels incorporate ancient rarities, upheld qualities, and essential hidden suspicions. As indicated by Miller, antiquities are the most evident in Scheinâ€ÿs model which comprise of the design, furniture, innovation, dress, composed records, craftsmanship, types of address, correspondence during meets and dynamic styles. (Mill operator, 2006, p. 107108). â€Å"The issue with relics is that they are substantial however difficult to disentangle precisely. We know how we respond to them, however that is definitely not a dependable marker of how individuals from the association react†(Schein, 1990, p. 111-112). The second degree of culture Schein perceives is that of upheld values. Scheinâ€ÿs upheld values are, â€Å"the enunciated, openly declared standards and qualities that the gathering professes to be attempting to achieve†(Schein, 1992, p. 9). Schein (1990) accepts that the qualities, belief systems, and standards can be discovered utilizing meetings, polls, and overviews. Schein accepts that, â€Å"Open-finished meetings can be helpful in getting at this degree of how individuals feel and think†(Schein, 1990, p. 112). The third and most troublesome degree of culture for eyewitnesses to witness is that of fundamental suspicions. Mill operator (2006) accepts that individuals from the gathering can seldom express these fundamental qualities since they are a characteristic piece of their day by day lives, making the essential suppositions considerably progressively hard for onlookers to see. From Scheinâ€ÿs models and definitions it is obvious that the Schein sees, â€Å"culture as an intricate example of suspicions, qualities, practices, and artifacts†(Miller, 2006, p. 111). Schein (1990) accepts that through exceptional perception and the association of roused workers generally oblivious presumptions and discernments can be found about the associations culture. Schein states, â€Å"Working with spurred insiders is fundamental on the grounds that no one but they can bring to the surface their own hidden suppositions and expressive how they essentially see the world around them†(Schein, 1990, p. 112). Notwithstanding these three fundamental levels this examination will likewise use the ten significant classes Schein uses to help characterize an organizationâ€ÿs culture. These will incorporate (Schein, 1992).: 1. Watched conduct regularities when individuals cooperate 2. Gathering Norms 3. Embraced values 4. Formal way of thinking 5. Rules of the Game 6. Atmosphere 7. Implanted abilities 8. Propensities for speculation, mental models, as well as phonetic ideal models 9. Mutual implications 10. â€Å"Root metaphors†or incorporating images Although Scheinâ€ÿs models are generally applied and examined, regions of conflict with his techniques incorporate how much time is really required to uncover the degrees of an organizationâ€ÿs culture. What number of members are expected to appropriately survey the way of life, and if predisposition influences the audit of an association additionally would all be able to impede the precision of an examination dependent on Schei nâ€ÿs model. To direct this examination eight of Scheinâ€ÿs ten significant classifications were fused. The primary, watched social regularities are the dialects, ceremonies, conventions and schedules of representatives. The subsequent classification is upheld values which are openly known objectives of the gathering. The third class is the conventional way of thinking which is organization arrangements and collaborations with clients. The fourth classification will be the standards of the game which are the things new workers must figure out how to fit in. Implanted aptitudes and shared implications will be the fifth and 6th classes consolidated into this investigation. These are the fundamental aptitudes to carry out the responsibility and how the representatives have comparative implications for specific things. At long last, the fundamental suspicions will be the eighth classification joined into the investigation of the hierarchical culture of Cingular Wireless. (Schein, 1992) Methodology: To find how Cingular fits into Scheinâ€ÿs classifications of hierarchical culture a technique f member perception will be utilized including watching day by day schedules, worker communications among themselves and clients, and taking part as an individual from the Cingular staff at a retail location area. This ethnographic methodology is impacted by an article Esteban, Hirt and McGuire. The article consolidated Scheinâ€ÿs model in an examination on â€Å"The Work Life of Student Service Professionals at Rural Community Colleges. The article was useful in the association of this investigation just for instance of various techniques for directing the examination itself. (Esteban, 2003). Applying Scheinâ€ÿs Model To Cingular Wireless-7 For this examination, data from Cingular Wireless was gathered including direction data, worker handbooks, day by day frames and corporate distributions. What's more, the organization claimed retail location at Marley Station Mall in Glen Burnie, Maryland was widely watched and considered. The store has a supervisor, three full-time representatives, and one low maintenance worker that were met also. These techniques are being utilized in light of the fact that they will give a window to picking up understanding into the way of life of Cingular Wireless. These techniques will uncover the manner in which the hierarchical culture is formed by the administration, workers, and corporate home office. The techniques are better than others in this circumstance since it will permit the examination to look at an assortment of angles instead of just a couple. Members: Jason Celani, 34, has been the chief of the Marley Station store since its opening in the fall of 2005. Celani was a previous ATT worker and has been in the remote business for around 8 years. His activity comprises of planning staff, requesting items, directing stock checks, answering to a territorial director, leading week after week gatherings, and going to instructional meetings. Jason adores innovation and appreciates finding out about new items in his extra time. (J. Celani, Personal Communication, 11/06/2006). Tracy Corcoran, 39, is a full-time worker that has been in the remote business for a long time. Already Corcoran was likewise an ATT worker. He is the senior agent at the Marley Station store and isn't exceptionally inspired by new innovation. Tracy is planning to escape the remote business inside the following hardly any years. (T. Corcoran, Personal Communcation, 10/28/2006). Is low maintenance undergrad that has been working at the Marley Station store since March 2006. She appreciates having the most up to date telephone available and cherishes having the option to get her email any place she goes. She has no past involvement with the remote business. (L. Andes-Miller, Personal Communication, 10/27/2006). Hurl Payne is the most up to date full-time representative at the store. Payne is 20 years of age and a previous radio telecaster for a gospel station in the Washington D.C. zone. Payne has never worked in the remote business yet additionally appreciates getting new telephones when they come out. Payne started his work in late July of 2006. (C. Payne, Personal Communication, 11/01/2006). Alejandro Quant is the main low maintenance representative watched and met at the Marley Station store. Quant, 21, is a full-time un derstudy at the University of Maryland. Quant is significant to the area on account of past professional training with T Mobile, another remote supplier and furthermore in light of the fact that he is bilingual. He talks both Spanish and English. (A. Quant, Personal Communication, 11/05/2006). The members were totally watched and met and the manner by which they connected was noted. They were gotten some information about preferences, every day tasks, and on the off chance that they saw a future inside the organization. This examination was led at the Cingular Wireless at Marley Station by low maintenance worker that has been with the organization since June 2006. As an installed spectator inner access to the authoritative culture of the Cingular store was picked up. The exploration for this ethnography likewise profited on the grounds that as a representative the fundamental activities of the organization was effectively open, different workers are not awkward connecting with me, and access to inside archives and gatherin gs was conceivable. The objectives of this ethnography are to increase a superior comprehension of the fundamental suppositions of the association. The agents considered work extended periods and they have a decent handle on the hierarchical culture of Cingular. To section dodge predisposition in this examination perceptions and meetings were led off the clock. Time was spent watching the representative
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Edwards, John Reid
Edwards, John Reid Edwards, John Reid (Johnny Reid Edwards), 1953â€", U.S. politician, b. Seneca, S.C., grad. North Carolina State Univ. (B.A., 1974), Univ. of North Carolina (J.D., 1977). The son of a textile-mill worker and a postal employee, he was raised in a small North Carolina town and was the first person in his family to attend college. For two decades he had a successful practice as a trial lawyer, specializing in personal injury cases. A vigorous and photogenic Democrat, Edwards turned to politics in 1998, defeating the Republican incumbent to become a U.S. senator from North Carolina. In office, he served on the intelligence committee and supported such causes as affirmative action, abortion rights, and the reform of health-care insurance and campaign finance laws. Edwards ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004, but was picked by the nominee, John Kerry , as his running mate. Kerry and Edwards lost to President Bush and Vice President Cheney in the Nov., 200 4, election. Edwards subsequently ran unsuccessfully for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. In 2009 it was revealed that he had had an extramarital affair and fathered an out-of-wedlock child. He was charged in 2011 with campaign funding violations arising from a cover-up of the affair, but his trial in 2012 ended largely in a mistrial, and the charges subsequently were dropped. He reestablished a law practice in 2013. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Friday, May 22, 2020
Cain Was The Firstborn Of Adam And Eve Essay - 2519 Words
Cain was the firstborn of Adam and Eve. In him were deposited all the desires of restoration of the original state of the man and mainly of the state of intimate communion with God the all-powerful. Therefore, Cain shows himself to be a person who did not please God with his offerings, because his motivation was different from the motivation of his brother Abel, as he sought to present the best of his flock to the Lord as we can see at Genesis 4:3-5 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell†. It happened at the end of a time Cain brought from the fruit of the earth an offering to the Lord; Abel, for his part, brought of the firstfruits of his flock and the fat thereof. The Lord of Abel and his offering were pleased; While Cain and his offering were not pleased. It is understood that Cain would have offered an offer thankfully and not voluntarily as was the case of Abel. This form of offering of Cain displeased the Lord, who came to pay attention to Abel s offering. Writing about the punishment God applied to Cain, which was intended to lead him to repentance, shows how much his heart was blacked out by sin and rebellion against the Creator. But nevertheless punishmentShow MoreRelatedJapan s Impact On Japan Essay1176 Words  | 5 PagesIt was totally unexpected and it became one of the most destructive earthquakes ever to hit Japan. Thousands of men, women, little boys and little girls were killed. Thousands more were injured. Japan was not prepared for such a disaster. There was a shortage of medical supplies; they needed food, clothing and building materials. And America, with a heart as big as her land, came to their rescue. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Effectiveness of the Individual Explanation in Comparison...
In critically examining the effectiveness of the individual explanation in comparison to social explanation of crimes, I will draw upon the theory of positivism and strain. There are controversies in which evaluation is the most effective. Unquestionably, both standpoints do have it limitations and strength, I will draw upon case examples and researches of both views in order to critically assess both effectiveness in explaining the occurrence of crimes. Individual explanation of crime is an approach ought to convey that criminal behavior is solely dependent on individual rather than the environment of the individual. Positivism is one of the main theories in individual explanation of crime. The theory established the first major opportunity to disregard crime as a matter of individual choice. As it seeks to interpret crimes occur due to different forces and factor outside one’s determination. The two main approaches in Positivism is biological and psychological approach. Where it seeks to give an account to how one’s individuality is connected to certain psychological and biological factor that influence people toward criminal behavior. In contrast, social explanation of criminal behavior focuses on an understanding that such behavior is shape through social processes and structures. Strain theory is one of the pre-dominant sociological explanations of criminal behavior. The theory conceives that crime is cause through the behavior that has been evoked by theShow MoreRelatedA Research On Forensic Science1203 Words  | 5 Pagesbiological evidence sources, but with the use of DNA analysis comes social and ethical issues in society because of the amount of information obtained in a sample. In the 1980’s biotechnology gave foundation to the most prevalent and relied upon science in criminal investigation, DNA analysis. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Greenwich Free Essays
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is a time system originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, which later became adopted as a global time standard. It is arguably the same as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and when this is viewed as a time zone the name Greenwich Mean Time is especially used by bodies connected with the United Kingdom, such as the BBC World Service,[1] the Royal Navy, the Met Office and others particularly in Arab countries, such as the Middle East Broadcasting Center and OSN. It is the term in common use in the United Kingdom and countries of the Commonwealth, including Australia, South Africa, Nigeria, India and Malaysia, as well as many other countries in the Old World. We will write a custom essay sample on Greenwich or any similar topic only for you Order Now Before the introduction of UTC on 1 January 1972 Greenwich Mean Time (also known as Zulu time) was the same as Universal Time (UT) which is a standard astronomical concept used in many technical fields. Astronomers no longer use the term â€Å"Greenwich Mean Time†. In the United Kingdom, GMT is the official time only during winter; during summer British Summer Time is used. GMT is the same as Western European Time. [2] Noon Greenwich Mean Time is rarely the exact moment when the sun crosses the Greenwich meridian (and reaches its highest point in the sky at Greenwich) because of Earth’s uneven speed in its elliptic orbit and its axial tilt. This event may be up to 16 minutes away from noon GMT (a discrepancy calculated by the equation of time). The fictitious mean sun is the annual average of this nonuniform motion of the true Sun, necessitating the inclusion of mean in Greenwich Mean Time. Historically the term GMT has been used with two different conventions, sometimes numbering hours starting at midnight and sometimes starting at noon. The more specific terms UT and UTC do not share this ambiguity, always referring to midnight as zero hours. Astronomers preferred the latter GMT convention in order to simplify their observational data so that each entire night was logged under a single calendar date How to cite Greenwich, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Lens free essay sample free essay sample
It was so blurry I could hardly make out what I was looking at. The sky was gray and dull. My arm moved up toward my face and rotated the lens a bit to the left. A flower gradually began to appear, wilted and nearly lifeless. The colorless frame amazingly appeared stunning through the eyes of the lens.I am a firm believer that hobbies help mold personality and have always seen photography as a gift. Photography is the key to unlocking a closed mind; when I look through the viewfinder I see what everyone has the capability to see but fails to notice.I have grown to spot the beauty in even the most repulsive frames of society. This has helped me squeeze positive aspects from a situation and allowed me to have optimism. Some people look at a pile of trash or something as simple as an apple and see nothing but something unimportant. We will write a custom essay sample on Lens free essay sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have learned to take the time to notice things from a different perspective, even if it means leaving my boundaries of comfort. With the right lens, anything can be perceived differently; maybe all that was needed was a slight adjustment of color, or a minor skew along the edges.Taking pictures is not simply seeing an appealing image and capturing it with a snap, it is a way to broaden one’s horizons and see things with a different perspective that may never be seen again. Photography allows me to step out of the border of everyday life and see things in a new light.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Importance of Demographic Logistics When Opening a Medical Facility
Importance of Demographic Logistics When Opening a Medical Facility Demography Opening of a new medical facility The purpose of this study is to examine the kind of demographic logistics that are essential when opening a medical facility in a given location. The paper will focus on highlighting whether demography has a significant relationship to health care. The paper will be of invaluable relevance to investors in the medical field as it will reveal the different types of demographic and market challenges they are likely to encounter when they are laying down their investment plans and eventually when they begin their work.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Demographic Logistics When Opening a Medical Facility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Demography is defined as the study of quantitative as well as qualitative characteristics that affect human beings. Quantitative factors comprise of density, growth, size, distribution structure and composition. Qualitative aspects also known as sociological factors include quality of education, diet, nutrition, race and wealth. All the mentioned qualitative and quantitative aspects as they relate to demography form the conceptual basis for my initiative which is to start a medical facility in my community. Target group The target groups of my project are the city dwellers, both male and female, children and adults and the poor and rich who are all residents of the city. Within the city, there has been a need for a larger, flexible and fulfilling medical facility to complement the existing ones. Demographic population The city has population that comprises of both the old and youthful generation with the females surpassing the males with a 25 % majority. Most of the population is located along roads and shopping centers. Considering wealth and race, the project will offer its services irrespective of social standing and ethnicity of people since the city harbors people of mixed origins and diverse economic an d socio-cultural standing. Impact of demographic change on the market Quantitatively, an increase in density, growth, size and distribution of the population will inhibit the clinic’s potential and growth prospects. Qualitatively, factors like fires, accidents and outbreaks of chronic diseases will expand the clinic’s operation networks. Accidents and criminal activities create casualties hence raising the need for urgent medical attention for the victims. The clinic will be accessible to all members of the community and it will not only attend to their medical needs but will also create a disease free and reliable resort for the city dwellers. Increase in population or change in structure crates a gap for medical aid. This challenge can only be addressed through creation of potential resources which can only be met by a facility like this one. Heath and related challenges Major challenges that are likely to affect the health provisions with regard to the city populati on include cost and accessibility options. Considering the different social classes and economic classes of people, not all can afford the cost of medical care especially when it comes to chronic illnesses like asthma, allergy, breast cancer, diabetes, epilepsy, and obesity.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Accessibility is bound to be a challenge especially to those who cannot meet the facility’s transportation cost, drug cost and those who reside in the outskirts of the town. Many cases require emergency treatment, efficient communication and adequate financial resources will guarantee its accessibility by the target group. Relationship between chronic disease wellness program and demographic costs Programs created to harness awareness of chronic diseases like asthma and breast cancer will attract the attention of the city people including those from the count ry side. On the other hand, this kind of program may impact fear in people if not properly launched and executed given that people may have reservations especially when exposing their health statuses to doctors in the medical facility (Anna, 2011). Not all people will be ready to accept the reality of having long term illnesses due to societal stigma and fear that terminal diseases are not curable and therefore end in the death of victims. Certain others will not be ready to adopt curative options provided by the medical facility due to cultural reasons and personal beliefs. On a positive note, educational programs will create acceptance and deal with the challenge of stigma developed by victims of various ailments especially the terminal ones. Marketing strategy The project will consider its target group based on the financial power of the various individuals in the community on provision of health services. Satisfaction will be ensured through accessibility in terms of cost and qu ality (Michael, 1992). The clinic fraternity will form a constitution that will consider the situation of the market, identification of the major problems affecting the community, allocation of the clinic’s resources, training of medical personnel, communication and follow up activities. This initiative will ensure highest quality production, cost benefit analyses; efficient service delivery of provisions, convenient, faster and effective services. Approaches to address the challenge The society has a role to play in addressing challenges related to the installation and implementation of the medical facility. It is the duty of the society to create awareness on chronic and acute illness through religious and political networks. The society’s participation in creating consciousness will enhance confidence in the members of the community and help in management of most of the issues e.g. diabetes, obesity, breast cancer and asthma. A supportive community demands that all its members are supportive of all noble initiatives in the community. Resource allocations from the community in terms of monetary aid, security, emotional support, sanitation, communication and prevention of accidents will boost the operations of the medical facility. Market development will be based on two scales.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Demographic Logistics When Opening a Medical Facility specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More First, it will be based on the local scale targeting subjects in and outside the city. Secondly, the global scale will be considered and prioritized (Alfred, 1976). Global challenges will be considered with part of them being cultural differences, poor negotiation skills, managerial habits and poor business protocol among others. Emergency procedures, accidents’ prevention, proper and prior immunization, sanitation systems, facility inspection, security training and access control are part of the procedures that will guarantee effective running of the facility and performance of the facility. Health is fundamental for economic, social and political growth of any community. For a successful and thriving economy, the stake holders should consider the health practice and in this case, measures that will be taken into account to enhance economic, political and social growth. The project will ensure that procedures that assure safety and sanity of the community are adhered to by availing all materials and resources necessary to meet the standards of health and sanitization as per the stipulations of the law. The interest of the members of the community must always come first. For the medical project to fulfill the legal requirements and obligations required by the law, a committee will be established to take care of relevant legislation. Matters pertaining to registration and acquisition of valid certification will be handled by the committee. The c ommittee will be constituted of members of the ministry of health, representatives of the clinics’ management and community leaders of the community. Networking of the various stakeholders will be coordinated by a select committee consisting of members chosen from the various stakeholders. A lot of consideration will be accorded to the creation of an efficient communication network that will link all the various stakeholders. Casualties will be handled under a special unit and major medical cases will be referred to consolidated centers within the network. Even though the clinic will be dealing with minor cases, open networks will ensure that the extreme cases are promptly attended to. Other complicated medical cases will be referred to more elaborate medical and referral hospitals. References Alfred, W. (1976). Experimenting with Organizational Life: The Action Research Approach. New York, USA: Plenum Press Books. Anna, A. (2011). Centre for Managing Chronic Diseases. Michig an, USA: University of Michigan Press.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Michael, J. (1992). Marketing strategy and System (2nd ed). London, United Kingdom: Mc Milan Press Limited.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Habits and Traits of Centipedes, Class Chilopoda
Habits and Traits of Centipedes, Class Chilopoda Taken literally, the name centipede means one hundred feet. While they do have a lot of legs, the name is really a misnomer. Centipedes can have anywhere from 30 to over 300 legs, depending on the species. Class Chilopoda Characteristics Centipedes belong to the phylum Arthropoda and share all the characteristic arthropod traits with their cousins (insects and spiders). But beyond that, centipedes are in a class by themselves: the class Chilopoda. Description Centipede legs extend visibly from the body, with the final pairs of legs trailing behind it. This allows them to run quite fast, either in pursuit of prey or in flight from predators. Centipedes have just one pair of legs per body segment, a key distinction from millipedes. The centipede body is long and flattened, with a long pair of antennae protruding from the head. A modified pair of front legs functions as fangs used to inject venom and immobilize prey. Diet Centipedes prey on insects and other small animals. Some species also scavenge on dead or decaying plants or animals. Giant centipedes, which inhabit South America, feed on much larger animals, including mice, frogs, and snakes. While house centipedes may be creepy to find in the home, you might want to think twice about harming them. House centipedes feed on insects, including the egg cases of cockroaches. Life Cycle Centipedes may live for as long as six years. In tropical environments, centipede reproduction usually continues year-round. In seasonal climates, centipedes overwinter as adults and reemerge from their sheltered hideaways in spring. Centipedes undergo an incomplete metamorphosis, with three life stages. In most centipede species, females lay their eggs in soil or other damp organic matter. The nymphs hatch and go through a progressive series of molts until they reach adulthood. In many species, young nymphs have fewer pairs of legs than their parents. With each molt, the nymphs gain more pairs of legs. Special Adaptations and Defenses When threatened, centipedes use a number of different strategies to defend themselves. Large, tropical centipedes dont hesitate to attack and can inflict a painful bite. Stone centipedes use their long hind legs to throw a sticky substance at their attackers. The centipedes that live in the soil dont usually try to retaliate. Instead, they curl into a ball to protect themselves. House centipedes choose flight over fight, skittering quickly out of harms way.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Latin American Revolution in Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Latin American Revolution in Film - Essay Example Henry Lane Wilson was an American ambassador, who considered the necessities of the population, but insisted on the theory, that the appropriate democratic government could not be formed by means of a rebel. Wilson’s aim was to return the prosperous background for the foreign investments to Latin America. To achieve this aim he formed the Republican Party and became its active member. The next term â€Å"caudillo cult of personality†refers to the political military leader of Latin America Caudillo. His personality was accepted as a charismatic image, supported by many people. Caudillo was the one, who could command the army and at the same time held the attention of the crowds of admirers. The third term â€Å"Cristero War coartacion†refers to the rebel in Mexico, which took place in 1926. The revolution bared the religious character. It was represented by a movement of peasants, who called themselves â€Å"Cristeros†and fought for the rights of the Chu rch. The Revolution of 1910-1917 years is the period of Civil War in the history of Mexico. It began as an uprising against the dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz and ended by the adoption of a new constitution. The number of victims during the period of the Civil War in Mexico, according to various sources, ranges from 500 thousand to 2 million people. The Revolution consisted of four stages: In 1876, the General Porfirio Diaz, who established his dictatorship for the further three and a half decades, represented the authority of Mexico. Diaz continued the work of his predecessors Benito Juarez and Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada, whose main aim was to modernize and attract foreign investment to Latin America. Diaz believed that, to achieve this purpose, it was necessary to ensure political stability in the country. As a result, he has made an agreement with the major factions of liberals and conservatives, and weakened the effect of anti-clerical reforms,
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Project Management - Essay Example Henry Fayol significantly contributed to the development of strategic management techniques in the construction industry through establishing five functions of management. Planning was the first function of management which up to date is fundamental to the success of an organization. Cole observes that all the aspects of manufacturing depend on the initial plan to a large extent. It involves conducting an analysis of the present situation of an organization, as well as its future. After this analysis, the managers set the strategies for accomplishment of the organizational goals that are based on where the management would like the organization to be in future. Planning continues through out the life of the organization especially due to the fact that changes may be necessary so that an organization can cope with the dynamics of the operating environment. In other words, planning helps the managers to strategize to come up with solutions to emerging issues. It is important for the ma nagers to deal with challenges facing the business as well as the utilization of opportunities for the success of the organization. Bradford observes that strategic planning is the practice whereby an organization develops its course of action to accomplish upcoming objectives. The managers are in charge of evaluating the operating environment and the internal factors that affect business through strategic planning to ensure that the organizational goals are accomplished. This involves conducting a SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) analysis to ensure that the business remains on track. ... Planning continues through out the life of the organization especially due to the fact that changes may be necessary so that an organization can cope with the dynamics of the operating environment. In other words, planning helps the managers to strategize to come up with solutions to emerging issues. It is important for the managers to deal with challenges facing the business as well as the utilization of opportunities for the success of the organization. Bradford (2000) observes that strategic planning is the practice whereby an organization develops its course of action to accomplish upcoming objectives. The managers are in charge of evaluating the operating environment and the internal factors that affect business through strategic planning to ensure that the organizational goals are accomplished. This involves conducting a SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats) analysis to ensure that the business remains on track (Cole, 2003). Managers in the construction and manu facturing industries have a role to play in ensuring that just in time deliveries are accomplished. Modern production is demand driven and therefore planning is necessary to ensure customer satisfaction. Egan emphasized on customer focus as an important aspect in regard to the success of the construction industry. Adoption of Egan’s theory of customer focus has significantly contributed to the emergence of just in time deliveries in the construction industry whereby contractors deliver the product before customers get anxious about their needs. Organizing is the second among Fayol’s functions of management in which the managers prepare for implementation of the plan. This is accomplished through evaluating and allocating the available resources to aid in the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Changes to Britains Landscape
Changes to Britains Landscape The past few decades have witnessed an explosion of concern about the ways in which the countryside is changing in Britain. This burgeoning of interest seems to revolve around one main set of issues relating to resource use and management and to issues about the conservation of the natural environment and landscape. This can be seen in the House of Lords report (1990: 7) on the future of rural society, recognising that, while ‘historically, rural communities have been based on the exploitation of the natural resources of the countryside †¦, now priorities have changed’. Therefore, this essay aims to investigate the changes that have occurred in the British landscape since the post-war period, the reasons for these changes, and the likely future trajectory of change and policy implications. This will be done by looking at agriculture, migration and tourism as factors of environmental change in the British countryside. The many changes in agriculture since 1945 can be aptly described as revolutionary in that farming at the beginning of the twenty-first century is a vastly different proposition than at the beginning of the twentieth century. A transformation covering all farming systems has been effected through the interaction of numerous factors. The overwhelming commitment of government to aid and subsidise agriculture has been vital in helping to stabilise the industry. The growing wealth of the nation as a whole increased demand, especially for ‘luxury’ foods. There has been a ‘green’ revolution in which new techniques have supplanted old traditions, with mechanisation becoming commonplace. The decline of the general agricultural labourer has continued – to be replaced by fewer skilled workers operating new machinery or working as a specialist in a particular branch of farming. In terms of production, the extent of the revolution can be gauged from such statisti cs as the doubling of the wheat yield between 1915/19 and 1965/9, the doubling of milk and egg production between 1935/9 and 1970/4, the overall two and a half times increase in the national net output between 1937/9 and 1971/3 (Donaldson, 1972), and a four-fold rise in wheat production from the late 1940s to the early 1980s, and a 30 percent increase in the production of beef and pork during the same period (Soper, 1986). The effects upon the landscape of post-1945 changes in agriculture were described for West Berkshire by Bowers and Cheshire (1983: 29 – 51) who stressed the role played by subsidies paid to farmers. Their study area included both clay vale and chalk downlands which were studied by air photographs and ground survey and can be taken as representative of much larger trends occurring nationwide. Between 1947 and 1976 the area had lost over one-third of its hedges, half its footpaths and tracks and nearly two-thirds of its ponds. There was a small decline in the area under woodland whilst the total amount of farmland had decreased slightly as a result of residential and recreational growth. Within agriculture itself permanent pasture had fallen by nearly 80 percent, being replaced by cereals and a substantial area of oilseed rape. The number of farms in the area fell from 19 in 1947 to 12 in 1981. The great increase in the area under arable meant that chalk downland pasture was com pletely eliminated. This typifies a general trend throughout most of Britain toward a more open, less enclosed countryside, much different from that of the previous centuries, where many of the major landscape types have been altered, with deterioration occurring more widely and to a greater degree than at any other time in modern history (Bowers and Cheshire, 1983: 48). The greatest visual change in the landscape was the loss of pasture and its replacement by cereals being grown in enlarged fields. This enlargement had been at the expense of hedgerows, of which 55km out of 129km in the study area discussed above had been removed between 1941 and 1981. The loss of hedgerows was identified as being part of a vicious circle (Bowers and Cheshire, 1983: 39). Rising rents and land prices promoted intensification, leading to greater use of capital which, in turn, was favoured by subsidies on capital inputs. The subsidies have also promoted the use of chemical inputs and mechanisation, producing further intensification and landscape change (e.g. Cox et al., 1986). The arable monoculture that has been the result of this intensification requires few stock-proof barriers and is operated by means of larger machines which need bigger fields. Hence, there has been little incentive to retain hedges, especially as they require maintenance and so would require addit ional expense to pay for the extra work required. This degradation of the land stock should be halted and sustainable agricultural practices implemented through the involvement of farmers in decision making as well as policy implementation. Along with changes in agricultural practices, it is the resurgence of population growth in rural areas that constitutes a key cause of fundamental changes that are now occurring in the countryside. Forty years ago discussion of rural affairs was dominated by the issue of depopulation, however, the rural population turnaround identified in the 1970s has become the dominant pattern of contemporary rural population change. The underbounding of urban areas and local metropolitan decentralisation represents most clearly this new post-industrial settlement pattern. The statistical evidence marshalled for the UK points to a definite change in population trends affecting extensive rural zones, and this is not just limited to the fringes of larger cities. An analysis has demonstrated the large scale of the turnaround in the most rural parts of Britain, which had a population growth rate of 8.9 percentage points above the national average between the 1971 and 1981 Censuses, compared with one 5 .5 points below the average in 1951-61 (Champion, 1989). This population growth has taken the form of conversion of old agricultural buildings, development of unused farmland and the encroachment of housing onto pristine ‘greenfield’ sites. The surrounding countryside has also been changed due to the high level of infrastructure and services which this new population group requires. Another type of usage of rural localities causing major conservation issues is tourism. Rural tourism, which goes hand-in-hand with urban-rural population migration, however, is not a discrete activity divorced from other forms of leisure activity. Visitors on holiday in rural areas may spend some of their time visiting towns or resorts. This relationship between tourism in rural areas and other places is important, and holds part of the answer to addressing the problems. The countryside is an important resource for tourism in Britain, attracting a quarter of all domestic holiday nights and a third of all day trips. British people take some 10 million holidays and spend some 45 million nights in the English countryside as well as making over 1,000 million day visits. Up to a half of England’s 20 million overseas visitors also visit the countryside while they are in England and place a high value on its attractiveness (Countryside Commission, 1995). With the decline in agricultural employment, many rural areas are looking to tourism to make an even greater contribution in the future. However, as well as bringing social and economic benefits to the countryside, tourism can also brings costs, through intrusive development, traffic congestion, erosion and disturbance to wildlife and local people. Such problems are often compacted due to their highly local and seasonal nature. With the problems above outlined, it is clear that there is a need for a policy of sustainable use of the British countryside, which integrates the problems associated with modern agriculture, tourism and urban-rural migration. The Environment Act (HMSO, 1995) has gone some way to mitigating these issues, but there is still work to be done in the new millennium. The problem of climate change will likely exacerbate an already delicate ecological situation in some localities, with increased temperatures and reduced rainfalls. There is also the question of whether the encroachment of rural development upon natural resources can be halted, either through regulation of planning laws or the development of sustainable consumption, ecotourism and environmentally friendly technology. These initiatives may be stifled under the current regime of agricultural subsidies and ignorance toward greenfield development which plagues the current system. At all levels, use of rural areas must become sust ainable if they are to remain as productive as they have been since 1945, while maintaining their ecological integrity for the benefit of future generations. References: Bowers, J. K., Cheshire, P. (1983) Agriculture, the countryside and land use, Methuen, London. Champion, A. G. (1989) Counterurbanisation: The changing pace and nature of population decentralisation, Edward Arnold, London. Countryside Commission (1995) Sustainable rural tourism, HMSO, London. Cox, G., Lowe, P., Winter, M. (1986) The state of the farmer: perspectives on agricultural policy, in Cox, G., Lowe, P., Winter, M. (eds), Agriculture, people and policies, Allen Unwin, London, pp. 1 19. Donaldson, J. G. S. (1972) Farming in Britain Today, Penguin, Harmondsworth. HMSO (1995) The Environment White Paper, HMSO, London. House of Lords (1990) The future of rural society, HMSO, London. Soper, M.R.H. (1986) British agriculture today, Association of Agriculture, London.
Friday, January 17, 2020
School Violence: Cause and Remedies
School Violence : Causes And Remedies Educators and policy makers have been grappling with the issue of violence in schools for decades, . Educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, political scientists, anthropologists, and sociologists have all weighed in on the possible causes. Sifting through the theories can be overwhelming, and implementing effective violence prevention programs is often frustrating. No wonder, then, that teachers and administrators often feel defeated when they confront the dangerously aggressive behavior of some pupils.According to a federal survey. Seventy-one percent of all public elementary and secondary schools reported at least one violent incident during the 1999-2003 school years. Causes: Violent behavior and the intent to act violently are potential symptoms of numerous psychiatric disorders. Conduct Disorder, a state of persistent disregard for social conventions and rules and manifesting as criminal and antisocial behavior before the a ge of 18, is perhaps the most frequently mentioned diagnosis among violent youth.In addition substance abuse and dependence can contribute substantially to violent acts, either by reducing inhibitions among otherwise nonviolent students or by creating a climate through drug transactions in which violence is central. More rarely, impulsive behavior found in conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder can lead to violent outbursts. Finally, diagnoses such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and a range of psychotic disorders have been associated with the development of violent behavior among youth.In addition to certain psychiatric diagnoses, characteristics such as low verbal IQ, immature moral reasoning, poor parental modeling, poor social skills, and lack of social supports have all been associated with the development of violent behavior in children. Studies examining characteristics particular to the school environment have found that a weakly structured school and a student's poor academic performance, low commitment to education, and, perhaps most important, poor attachment to the school are all strong indicators of potential violence.In addition, schools that tolerate physical and social aggression, especially when perpetrated by elite student groups within the school, are increasingly at risk for the outbreak of violence on or around school grounds. These characteristics alone are not sufficient to predict the occurrence of violence. Remedies: Clinicians and school officials must pay special attention to potential motives for and means of committing violence.They must be willing to discuss provocative and threatening journal writing and art projects with students and with designated school authorities who decide what actions to take to protect the student and the school. Listening to students who express concern about another student's behavior is particularly important. Ignoring violent behavior or wanting t o let â€Å"someone else†deal with the problem is a normal parental reaction. Discussing with your child ways to protect themselves is not â€Å"scaring†them unnecessarily, but is equipping your child to not be a victim.There are things you can do to help your child if the unthinkable does occur. Studies of extremely violent behavior in schools have found that those who commit high-profile acts of violence have almost always made their intentions known to peers through direct or indirect communications. Educators must foster a setting in which students are comfortable making their concerns known to teachers and peers. Interventions both to curb and to address student violence must be multifaceted. Serious psychiatric disorders indicate the need for counseling and possibly medication. The treatment plan must integrate legal considerations.Recent innovative approaches show promise for addressing violent behavior in schools. One of them is Multi systemic Treatment, whic h involves multiple and active interventions for young people who commit violence, has attracted increasing attention during the past decade. Schools are an important setting for addressing violent youth, and the extent to which students feel attached to their school has direct bearing on the likelihood of later and ongoing violence. Schools, therefore, are a necessary part of the complicated equation that will ultimately make learning and development safer and more rewarding for everyone.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Free Application For Federal Student Aid - 1606 Words
Introduction During week two, we were tasked to conduct a financial analysis of the Johnson family and assess their ability to independently fund the college educations of their three children. That analysis determined the two hundred dollars currently contributed monthly to each child’s college fund since each child was born will not fully fund their educations, given their ages, current balances in each college fund and the annual inflation of college costs. Assuming their available cash flow will only support the current monthly college fund contributions, alternative methods and financial tools must be explored to mitigate the shortfall. The purpose of this paper will be to research other college funding alternatives which may†¦show more content†¦However, it is equally important for other potential forms of financial aid as â€Å"many states and colleges use your FAFSA data to determine your eligibility for state and school aid, and some private financial aid providers may use your FAFSA information to determine whether you qualify for their aid†(Federal Student Aid, 2017, p.1). Federal Student Aid is a very large program â€Å"providing more than $150 billion in federal grants, loans, and work-study funds each year to more than 13 million students paying for college or career school†(Federal Student Aid, 2017, p.1). Therefore, the student who is seeking financial aid to cover a portion of college costs needs to first and foremost complete a FAFSA application as it is the basis for Federal Student Aid but is also the data source for other forms of student financial aid. FAFSA applications consider the assets of the parents and the student in determining the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and will normally expect a higher percentage of contribution from student assets vice a lower percentage from the parents (Mannaioni Greer 2016). For determining family or student assets to be assessed against potential financial aid, FAFSA places emphasis on family or student adjusted gross income as other assets such as â€Å"retirement accounts, cash value life insurance, home equity and small business assets†are excluded when calculating the EFC. Institutional Methodology, on the otherShow MoreRelatedFree Application For Federal Student Aid1967 Words  | 8 Pagesdiligence and sacrifice, and a lot of leg work, paying for college should not be a barrier to your education. Federal Aid The first step is filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ). The application has federal, state, and possible college specific deadlines. You can inquire about deadlines here. There are two types of loans available in addition to things like federal Pell grants. These loans are subsidized by the government, so you won t find the same difficulties as youRead MoreBenefits Of Paying College Cost1291 Words  | 6 Pagesmethods you can use when it comes to paying for your college cost. You can use financial aid, federal grants, private student loans, college work study, and you can also even try to make a good score on your ACT so that you can have many colleges to choose from that will give you a scholarship. All of these ways will either pay some or may even pay all of your college cost. Most family’s first choice is financial aid because it is a major source for college financing. For fasfa requirements include thatRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Tuition1634 Words  | 7 Pagesmore students are going to college than ever before. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Culture Of Shut Up By Jon Lovett Essay - 1431 Words
Within a society that is reliant on the internet as a means of connectedness to one another, there will be drawbacks. The fate of this society is how people grasp this concept of unlimited compatibility and get around the drawbacks. Within the internet and all the ideas and saying that are flooded into the streams of computer-human interactions there will always be room for backlash and critique. In the article â€Å"The Culture of Shut Up†Jon Lovett produces his ideas on how society needs to get a grip on the endless amount of connectedness that spawns from the internet and how people must deal with the fact of how unreserved it is. When someone says something, a person doesn’t agree with, Lovett states that you cannot just tell them to â€Å"shut up†because they won’t shut up, they don’t have to and they never will. â€Å"You don’t beat someone’s idea by beating the thinker. You beat their idea with an idea. The fact of the matter is that society must use the connectedness offered by the modern age of technology to their advantage rather than be set off track by some drawbacks that come with it. Jon Lovett uses the internet and the effect on society as his topic in â€Å"The Culture of Shut Up.†Lovett exemplifies the routine of how people must concern themselves with something else rather than get tied into a dead-end controversy with something someone said that they didn’t happen to agree with. A basepoint to start with this series is social media. The effect social media has onShow MoreRelatedJon Lovett : A Screenwriter And Former Speechwriter For President Obama954 Words  | 4 PagesJon Lovett is a screenwriter and former speechwriter for president Obama. Most recently he was serving as a producer of the award-winning HBO series The Newsroom, and is also the co-creator and head writer of 2012 sitcom 1600 Penn on NBC. In Lovett’s speech â€Å"The Culture of Shut Up†he beli eves that too many debates deteriorate into misplaced rage, or discouraging free speech. Lovett believes that all the chaos that comes with free speech is worth it, rather than letting a few voices speak for theRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesBehavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 Foundations of Organization Structure 479 v vi BRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 577 Appendix A Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1
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